Monday, June 9, 2014

Who says that conservative clothing has to look old, dull and boring? I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to dress provocatively in order to be considered fashionable. And I especially don't want to give my closet a 1700s makeover to feel covered up. So how do women balance the two extremes with the increasing trends in the fashion world making it harder to find modest clothing?

THE PROBLEM: It’s not easy. Not only is skin revealing apparel taking over in stores, but a lot of those items are SO CUTE! To add to the struggle, most of these items are built with size 2 women in mind. So those of us that aren’t a size 2 find it a little harder to buy clothes. Many of us know that something that looks adorable on the hanger doesn’t look the exact same on the person. In this case, we have to spend some more time in the racks and in the dressing room. And when we find clothes that are modest, one of two things occur:

1) It fits perfect! But it looks like an old washcloth.
2) It’s cute and fits well! But I have to sell my soul in order to get it.

So how do women find clothes that are cute, conservative and cheap?

THE ANSWER: It’s not easy either. But with some knowledge on your personal body shape and more invested time on the web, there are countless opportunities to find adorable modest clothing! I’m not saying that you can only find modest clothing online, because you sure can find chic reserved clothes in stores as well! However, if you are limited to the types of stores you can go to, the web is a good place to start looking. Not only can you find the best items for your body shape, but also great deals if you take the time to check it out!

I will be going on a journey to look for cute, conservative and cheap clothing either on the web or in stores and I invite you to come along with me! I will be posting outfits/items that are fashionable and modest for those of us on a budget. I will never recommend something that I haven’t bought from before and weren’t satisfied with, so consider me your security net. I can’t wait to get started!

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