Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Actively Still: An Introduction

Week 1

For the next couple of weeks, I will be delving into a series I call Actively Still. Being actively still is something God brought to my attention a couple years back. Although this may seem like a paradoxical statement, I feel that it encompasses a strong truth. The aim for this series is to explain what it means to be Actively Still regarding Godly singleness and relationships.

What are the things most Christians say they’re looking for in a husband or wife? Being a Christian of course, right? Well, do we even know what that looks like? How do we find those Christian potential candidates of spousery? We go to christianmingle.com, that young adults small group where all the single Christians at church are thirsty (for the blood of Jesus, I mean), you may even go on Missions trips searching for that special someone who has a heart for the helpless.

None of these things are bad, don’t get me wrong, but is this the extent of our searching? It is important to surround ourselves with fellow believers (Proverbs 13:20), so it just makes sense to look for our future spouse in these areas. But if this is all you’re doing, you’re missing the most important parts.

In this series, we will go deeper into the importance of having a relationship with God BEFORE having a relationship with anyone else. I know this may seem like a no-brainer, but actively and wholeheartedly seeking the Lord looks different than going to the local small group to scope out the singles scene.

This short introduction to Actively Still has left room for many questions to be asked. I encourage you to ask away in the comments below or send me a message via the Contact Me page.

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, I'm looking forward to your future insights on this topic. :]
